8) If the solution is approved but requires acceptance of some sort from the end client or department (for which the product is being developed), the approval of a higher-level body will be needed.
9) At this point, the project can be given the go-ahead as it already has a detailed implementation plan.
10) The system architecture specifications are defined and approved based on the documents generated up to this point: product requirements, product concept document, etc.
11) The specifications that define all the features of the end product, are created.
12) (RSC: review of security compliance). The solution is studied and checked to ensure that it does not breach any company or third-party security standards (if it is a project that uses a free software licence).
13) The product is registered in the company inventory.
14) The validation master plan, which is used for high-level testing, is created.
15) The environment in which the product will be tested is checked to ensure that it is correct.
16) The quality of the subsequent product support is verified.
17) The version management processes are launched.
18) The business preparation plan is defined for the effective launch of the solution.
19) Guarantees are put in place to ensure that the project complies with the quality requirements, architecture constants, security considerations, standards and policies.