Implementation of free software systems

Amadeu Albós Raya

Marcelo D'Elia Branco

Mónica León Martínez

Alejandro Novo López

Alberto Otero García

Óscar David Sánchez Jiménez

Edited by

David Megías Jiménez



Revision History
XML to docbook Conversion



The authors would like to thank the Foundation for the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya ( for the funding of this project, which forms part of the International Master's Degree in Free Software offered by the University.

They would also like to thank Jordi Mas for his help in coordinating the first edition of this material.

Table of Contents

info. info
introduction. introduction
objectives. objectives
annex. Annex
1. Case studies
preface. preface
objectives. objectives
Development and implementation of free software in Extremadura: a proposal with firm backing from the regional government
Context. The socio-economic characteristics of Extremadura
The framework of the gnuLinEx (free software) project.). The global information society project of Extremadura
Events, initiatives and situations
Spread and transferability of gnuLinEx ( free software ) services website
gnuLinEx from a technical perspective
Free Software in the Brazilian Government
Preface. Tentative steps on a long road
Free software in the Brazilian Government
Porto Alegre, a free thought factory
Telecentres in São Paulo
Municipal authorities of Río das Ostras
The Brazilian Parliament and the information society
Brazil at the Summit on the Information Society
Sun Microsystems
Business analysis
The private sector and the role of the free software community
Sun's free software positioning
Study of free software applications implemented inside the company
Development and worldwide launch of the platform
Product support
Corporate training
Cometa Technologies
Company presentation
Use of free software at Cometa Technologies
Solutions offered by Cometa Technologies
Use of free software within Cometa Technologies
Case studies
abstract. abstract

List of Examples

1.1. Transfer of competence
1.2. Sergio Amadeu da Silveira