The Free Technology Academy is closed. To know why, and what may come next, please read here. To find and download FTA resources not listed in these pages, instead, please visit the Free Technology Academy File Archive! Thanks!

Linux, Open Networks and Personal Cloud courses for Autumn 2015

The Free Technology Academy is happy to announce that registration is open, at a reduced price, for new sessions of the following online courses, all starting on September 28th, 2015:

All these courses are at our Master Level and are offered for this session with a 20% discount.

In addition to these MLC courses, a session of our EPL-style course on Personal Cloud Computing with Free Software will also start on September 28th, 2015.

Detailed information on all courses, including prices and enrolment procedure, is available in our main Courses page, which also lists other courses that may be reactivated on demand.