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Book: Introduction to Web applications development

  • Authors: Carles Mateu
  • Coordinators: Jordi Mas Hernández
  • License: GNU Free Documentation License
  • Information: 376 Pages; 20.5Mb
This course starts with an introduction to the internet, including a brief history of the TCT/IP protocol and worldwide web. It defines the basic concepts for web servers and studies the case of Apache, the most used webserver, while other free software webservers are not forgotten. The course continues with webpage design focussing on HTML and JavaScript. XML Schemas, their validation and transformation are covered as well as dynamic webpages built with CGI, PHP or JSP and database access.

Webservices are software components that are accessible through SOAP and have their interface described with WSDL (Web Service Description Language). In this section the XML-RPC protocol is discussed among other things.

The last part of the course deals with configuration, maintenance, monitoring and security aspects.

Book cover


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